It’s missions season at Grace Christian School where I teach, and I will doubtless be sharing many stories from both student and faculty missionaries alike over the next few months. At this very moment our Guatemala Missions team is already in the field, and back at home our Alaska and Russia Mission teams are beginning initial preparations for their trips later this spring. I can hardly wait to share what Christ will do through these amazing people, but, with everyone so busy, in lieu of an interview this month, and partly in honor of Thanksgiving, I have decided to share the following conversation. Two years ago during my first mission trip to Koyuk, Alaska, I shared this with the congregation of their local church. The premise of the sermon was simple – if you had one hour to spend with Jesus Christ, face to face, in this life, what would you talk about; what would you ask? It is my hope now, as it was when I delivered the sermon in Koyuk, that the following conversation will remind you of how deeply Christ loves you, and how much He was willing to give up for you. Enjoy! (Oh, and the pictures are just a small representation of the dear people I have been able to serve Christ with over my years in Alaska).
Christian: Jesus, do you even love me?
Christ: I have loved you FOREVER! I came up with the idea of you before I set this world in motion (Ephesians 1:4). I am thrilled that you are alive, and I gave My life to make sure that you could be alive with Me for eternity. Haven’t you read in Romans 5:8, “But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” My love for you will never end!
Christian: But Lord, ugh, I am so different from everyone else! Why did you make me this way?
Christ: Child, I have examined you and know all about you. I know when you come in and I know when you go out. I know you thoughts before you even think them, and I can hear your words before they even come out of your mouth. I formed you in your mother’s womb, and I was there before the very first beating of your heart. You think you are strange, but I SAY that you have been fearfully and wonderfully made for My purposes (Psalm 139). I did not create you to blend in, but to stand out and to be a light in this depraved world. I want you to let “…your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven” (Matthew 5:16). Shine, My child, shine!

Christian: I…I will try, Lord, but, Jesus, this world is so incredibly hard and so many horrible things happen. My family is being torn apart and I…I just don’t understand. Why did You do that?
Christ: I have no pleasure at all that this happened to you. And I stood by you the entire time, but don’t forget that My eyes are much bigger than yours. I see yesterday, today, and tomorrow all as one. Do you remember the story of Joseph and the coat of many colors?
Christian: Yes.
Christ: His family was torn apart too. His brothers were so jealous of him that they faked his death and then sold him into slavery. In the years that followed Joseph was sent to Egypt, was falsely accused of rape, and was thrown into prison for years, but I never forgot him for a moment. And when the time was PERFECT I raised him up and made him a ruler over all Egypt, second only to pharaoh and through him I saved many people (Genesis 30-50). I know it seems like the Enemy has won right now, but I promise you that I have not forgotten you and I WILL bring good out of this – even if you don’t understand what that good is this side of eternity (Romans 8:28). Just trust Me!

Christian: But, Lord, I mess up all the time, and I feel so far away from You and so alone. How can you possibly say You love me and will bring good out of my life? I am nothing like what I am supposed to be.
Christ: No…no you are not. Child, I know all about your failings. I know your sins, and I have known the price of those sins. I have the scars on My body to prove it (John 20:27). And I tell you now that when you accept My sacrifice, confess your sins and repent of them, you will be cleansed of ALL unrighteousness (1 John 1:9). Remember, that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate you from My love (Romans 8:38-39).
And as far as being alone is concerned, I promised long ago that I would never leave you or forsake you. Wherever you go, I will be with you and I will defend you! Be strong and courageous (Joshua 1:9). But also remember that I will never shout to get your attention. Elijah met an earthquake, a storm, and a fire in the wilderness, but I was in none of them. It took him a while, but he finally heard Me in the whisper of a still, small voice (1 Kings 19:12). People always listen better when you whisper. The next time you feel alone call out to Me, pray to Me, read My Word, and I promise that if you seek Me with all your heart YOU WILL FIND ME! (Deuteronomy 4:29).

Christian: How am I supposed to be courageous, Lord? I am afraid all the time…of all sorts of things. I couldn’t begin list them.
Christ: I know. The world you live in is filled with countless terrors of the Enemy, many you haven’t even imagined yet, and I know that it is hard not to be afraid. I do not blame you for your fear, but I do want you to remember this. You have been sealed with My Spirit, and that is not a spirit of fear, “…but of power and of love and of a sound mind” (1 Timothy 1:7). Additionally, you have been covered by My righteous blood, and I have given you authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and to overcome ALL the power of the enemy (Luke 10:19)! The next time you are afraid, remember that ALL demons flee from Me (Mark 5:9-13) and even My enemies will one day bow the knee and acknowledge that I am Lord to the glory of God the Father (Philippians 2:10 ). It may be hard at first, but if you trust Me, I will…little by little…separate you from your fears until all that is left is Me and My love for you. And, truly, if I am for you, who can possibly be against you (Romans 8:31)?
Christian: Thank you so much, Lord, but there is something else I don’t understand. In the Bible you did so many miracles to get people’s attention. Why don’t you do that anymore?
Christ: Sometimes I do – in many ways and in many places. Watch and listen carefully enough and you will quickly learn all the amazing things I am doing in this world. But also remember that I said to the people of My time that, “…an evil and adulterous generation seeks after a sign…” (Matthew 12:39). They sought miracles to test Me, but I do miracles for My purposes and for My Name to be glorified that I may reconcile men and women to Myself (Romans 5:10). Rather than seeking miracles, it is more important for you to realize that I am in the details of your life. I already told you I know all your ways, but even more than that I have the very hairs of your head counted (Matthew 10:30), and I have every moment of your life written in My Book. I am a God who is near at hand and not far off, and I always will be (Jeremiah 23:23) – whether you see a miracle or not.

Christian: So, Lord, what is my purpose? What am I supposed to do?
Christ: First, understand that to earn My love and salvation you can do nothing. For by the deeds of the law no flesh will be justified in My sight (Romans 3:20). It is by grace that you are saved through faith, and even that faith is not of yourself – it is My gift to you not by your works, so you will never be able to boast about your own accomplishments (Ephesians 2:8). I have done all the work! Once you are saved I have three simple requirements of you – be just, love mercy, and walk humbly with Me (Micah 6:8). If you have delighted yourself in Me, I will give you the desires of your heart (Psalm 37:4). I will make your purpose clear to you little by little; just walk with Me.

Christian: Lord, I am so thankful that You love me, but this life is still really hard. Is Heaven really worth it?
Christ: As you are now, it is impossible for you to imagine fully what I have prepared for those who love Me (1 Corinthians 2:9). But for now you can know that in My Kingdom there is no more pain, no more sorrow, and no more death. You will never weep again – in fact, I will kneel down and with My very hands on your face, I will wipe every tear from eyes (Revelation 21:4). Never again will you remember the things that caused you sorrow and pain. The only things left will be Me and My love for you, and you will be with Me face-to-face forever (Revelation 22:4).
Christian: Lord, You are amazing! But who are You…really?
The Word of God (John 1:1)
Your Advocate (1 John 2:1)
The Almighty One (Rev. 1:8; Mt. 28:18)
The Alpha and the Omega (Rev. 1:8; 22:13)
The Author and Finisher of your Faith (Heb. 12:2)
The Blessed and only Ruler (1 Tim. 6:15)
The Bread of Life (John 6:35; 6:48)
The Chief Cornerstone that the builders rejected (Eph. 2:20)
The Good Shepherd (John 10:11)
The Firstborn from the Dead (Rev. 1:5)
The Holy One (Acts 3:14)
The King of kings and Lord and lords. (1 Tim 6:15; Rev. 19:16)
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