CIUDAD DE DIOS, PERU – A fathering seeing His children coming to know Christ and being baptized is perhaps one of the greatest joys there is. But a father getting to baptize his own children has to be even greater still. Just before my return from Peru, I was witness to such a great joy as my friend Jason was privileged to baptize his two eldest children, Nathan and Evelyn, and Nazareth, the daughter of their dear family friends Emilio and Ayde, in the very first baptismal ceremony at IBC – Ciudad de Dios.
Baptism is a Christian sacrament that all genuine believers are commanded to participate in. It stands as our first public profession of Jesus Christ and identifies us with His death and resurrection. Unfortunately, it is not always given its due respect. For some professing Christians, baptism is something they would rather not bother with, and some have even gone decades never taking the plunge. Many others receive the right of baptism enthusiastically, but later fall away from the faith, having never genuinely believed in the first place.
As such, it is critical that pastors and churches take great care before baptizing anyone, and I was pleased to see such care being taken by Pastor Jason and the leadership at the church plant. Nathan, Evelyn, and Nazareth are all now teenagers able to clearly think through the gospel and its implications. After professing faith and desiring baptism, Jason led them through a course on the fundamentals of the faith, and each had a personal interview with him in which they formally shared their testimony. These things occurred in the days leading up to the baptism ceremony.
On the day of the ceremony, Sunday, June 26, 2022, there was much enthusiasm. At services the previous week, Jason had told everyone about the baptisms and encouraged them to invite their friends and family. Since IBC – Ciudad de Dios is a fairly new and rather outdoors church plant, a small children’s swimming pool filled with a garden hose served as the baptismal. If you had asked any of the kids being baptized, they might have exclaimed, “¡El agua estaba muy fría!” But that did not stand in their way.
After a sermon in which Jason clearly defined what baptism is, the kids stood before the congregation and personally shared their salvation stories. Though every salvation journey is different in terms of what ultimately leads one to repentance and faith, the means of salvation is always the same. As the scriptures explain, “...if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved” (Romans 10:9- 10 ESV). Having made this profession, Nathan, Evelyn, and Nazareth were baptized.
I can only imagine the joy of Jason, Sarah, Emilio, and Ayde as their children were baptized. Having known the Sheets for decades, I know I was beyond excited for their whole family, and I will be praying for them constantly as the kids continue to grow in sanctification and knowledge of the Lord. As is fitting, the day ended with plenty of food and fellowship.
And on this incredibly high note, my trip to Peru came to a close. I will never forget my time in this beautiful country. I made many new friends, was immersed in a beautiful new culture, and shared in a thriving ministry. Lord willing, I will jump at any chance I have to return one day.
Scripture quotations are from The ESV ® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version ®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
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