VICTORY BIBLE CAMP, ALASKA – Of all the places I have been in this great state of Alaska (and there have been quite a few), none have felt more like home to me than Victory Bible Camp. The low fog hanging over the majestic mountain lakes early in the morning, the kaleidoscope of fall colors greeting the eyes from atop Tepee Ridge, and the occasional meandering moose are natural sights I have come to cherish over the years. However, there is something deeper that comes over me each time I step onto those grounds. Victory is a place where there is no doubt that Christ is alive and working. I’ve experienced that firsthand on many occasions as it was my great privilege to serve at Victory during the summers of 2002, 2003, 2004, 2007, and at various weekend retreats. Though I was not raised in Alaska, I truly feel like I am home again when I have a chance to visit Victory. Even so, for some, just visiting Victory falls epically short, and they have decided to make it their true home. This month, I would like to introduce you to my friends and Victory missionaries Justin and Lynsey Hostetter.
My friendship with the Hostetters goes back years! In fact, Justin and I were friends and roommates during college. However, it would not be until the summer of 2006 that Justin would meet the love of his life, Lynsey, in the very place they were destined to serve together – Victory Bible Camp. At the time, Justin was serving as the director of Victory’s Alpine Camp, and Lynsey was a counselor in the S.A.L.T (Servant and Leadership Training) program. It was not hard for the two to see in each other a love for Christ and a passion for young people. A friendship was formed, which quickly grew into a romance, and marriage seemed a foregone conclusion for this couple. Unfortunately, as is often the case with servants of Christ, there would be a time of waiting and growth before this couple could finally be united. As a teacher in the remote Alaskan village of Quinhagak, Justin needed to return to work after the summer camp season ended. Lynsey likewise was set to begin an internship at Victory that fall. Being separated was definitely not easy for the new couple, but they continued to grow closer over the next nine months through countless phone conversations and visits as often as possible, until finally the time was right! On May 25, 2007 Justin and Lynsey became man and wife.
The next few years were spent back in the village and later on the Kenai Peninsula, but camping ministry and Victory never left their hearts. When asked why serving at a Christian camp had such a powerful attraction, rather than some other ministry, Justin replied simply, “God gave me a passion for it. It’s the only logical thing for me to do. It brings me joy.” Lynsey likewise has a deep love of working with young people, and personally loved going to camp as a child. And speaking of children, it was during this interim between their marriage and their final move to Victory that God started to grow their family. First came Evangeline (now 5), followed by Norah (now 2), and most recently Grady (2 months).
Toting three kids off into the Alaskan wild is a challenge in itself, so I had to ask, “What’s it like raising a family at Victory?” Lynsey didn’t hesitate when she said, “It’s AWESOME!” She then elaborated, “It’s like we live out of the world, but can head into town and be in the world anytime we want. There are also lots of other kids and young families.” Having personally experienced the Victory family environment, it’s easy to understand Lynsey’s sentiments, and so when the Hostetters finally received the call to come and serve full-time at Victory in 2012, they didn’t hesitate.
And who could blame them! Victory Bible Camps and Conference Center are nestled among the Talkeetna Mountains approximately 95 miles north of Anchorage. The stunning views alone are enough to touch anyone’s soul, but it is the Spirit of Christ that Victory missionaries wish to share with souls young and old alike. The traditional summer camp season consists of four separate camping programs – Alpine, Frontier, Ranch, and S.A.L.T – spanning over seven to eight weeks. At Alpine Camp, kids in 6th through 12th grades stay in cabins and experience all the adventures of camp through activities like canoeing, archery, hiking, horseback riding, and much more.

Frontier Camp is geared toward the elementary grades, and kids get the option of sleeping in a traditional cabin or a tepee. Frontier Camp is also where I had the pleasure of serving for four summers. From late night stories, to personal testimonies, to actually leading young boys and girls to Christ – my time at Frontier Camp changed my life incredibly, and my memories of my time there will be cherished for the rest of my life.

Ranch Camp, a primarily high school-aged camp, bases its ministry around basic horsemanship, and campers get to work with and ride horses on a daily basis, in addition to all the traditional fun of camp. The week concludes with a pack trip to nearby Hicks Creek.

Finally, S.A.L.T. (Servant and Leadership Training) prepares young teens for what it truly means to be a servant of Christ. Staying for two weeks instead of the traditional one, S.A.L.T. campers help cook, clean, and basically do any chore that needs doing around camp. While it might not be the most glamorous work, by the end of their two week session, these campers are that much closer to understanding what Christ meant when he said, “If anyone desires to be first, he shall be last of all and servant of all” (Mark 9:35).
Every summer each and every one of these camps, their respective staffs, and untold numbers of campers get to see Christ working in powerful ways. Lives are changed for eternity, and the Kingdom of God grows and grows. As the Victory website ( puts it, “This is real-life camp. There are no iPods, video games, or cell phones, and you won’t miss them! The adventure is real-life and it’s life-changing. We hope your most important experience will be to draw closer to God.”

It’s hard not to envy Justin, Lynsey and their family. They are on the front lines of an amazing work of Christ, and I know He will use them powerfully for years to come. I highly encourage any parent to send their children to Victory for any one of the available camps. Your kids will never be the same! You can register by visiting and clicking the register tab. There are also a limited number of scholarships available for those in need (call Victory at 907-745-4203 for details). Additionally, Victory is always on the lookout for future summer staff that have a passion for Jesus Christ. Visit the Victory website for further details.
And so, for my friends, Justin and Lynsey, this adventure serving Christ at Victory Bible Camp has only just begun. As for any missionary family, there will be challenges ahead. Financial support is always a challenge, and the Hostetters welcome any new financial and prayer partners who wish to join their support team. In the end I know that my friends want to see the name of Christ lifted high, and my prayer will be for His constant presence in their ministry. I miss my days at Victory, but I know I am never far from my true Alaskan home.
“Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” ~Matthew 19:14
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The Believer’s Byline is a publication of Thrive Christian Press.
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