How many versions of the Bible do you own? If you are a regular church attendee, I’ll place a sure bet it’s more than one. If you want a great devotional idea, try reading a book of the Bible in every version your own. I own ten versions. A few years ago I did this plan with the Gospels. I read all four gospels in each of my ten versions. By the time I was done, I felt like I knew each book, its characters, its setting, and above all its message more intimately than ever before. This summer I am doing it with the Minor Prophets. Some are so short I can read all ten versions in a day, and I am learning so much more about the Lord’s Word. I am ashamed to say this is a part of the Bible I have neglected, largely because the Major and Minor Prophets can be quite hard to understand. However, the Lord is faithful, and as I spend more time in this challenging section of His Word this summer, I am understanding it more and more. It has been a great study! So no matter what books of the Bible you choose to read and study, I challenge you to do it with multiple versions. You will be surprised how you come to know the Bible like never before.
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The Believer’s Byline is a publication of Thrive Christian Press.
Copyright © 2015 David Scott Fields II. All Rights Reserved.