While I faithfully exercise my privilege to vote, I often hear the argument “Many men had to die to give you the right to vote, so you should vote no matter what.” If this is a valid argument, why then are we not making the argument, “Many faithful men died so you could have the Bible in your own language. You should be studying it every chance you get!” Voting is important, but I would never lecture someone for abstaining for conscience sake. In the end, I am more in awe of the men and women who have seen God’s Word as such a treasure that they have been willing to lay down their lives, than I am of a fallen ancestor that won me an earthly freedom. So, yes, vote for your candidate of choice if your conscience permits, but vastly more importantly make sure that if you have a Bible it is not collecting dust on your shelf. Plenty of blood has been spilt so you could have it there.
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