It was June 2010. I will never forget that summer. It was the summer where God put my faith to the extreme test as I ventured out of the country on my very first international mission trip. My destination was Nueva Santa Rosa, Guatemala where my team and I would be helping to build houses and working in local churches. I can scarcely recall a week in my life where I got to see God work so powerfully, though I am sure He has; I just remember this week very vividly.
A hurricane, an earthquake, a sink hole, and an erupting volcano all occurred within days of our leaving on the trip, and for a while I considered withdrawing from the team altogether. However, Christ quickly reminded me of Hebrews 11:6, “But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.” So setting apprehension aside, I boarded my plane for Central America, and spent the next 10 days seeing God work in ways I had never dreamed possible.
I share this bit of background on my Guatemala trip not because I am going to write an article about Guatemala (though that would certainly be worthy), but because this trip was the start of another great friendship that would ultimately connect me with another ministry much farther away than Guatemala. In June 2010, I met the young and extremely musically talented Ms. Hallie Brown. We soon began a fast friendship to point I became her big hermano and she became my little hermana.
It didn’t take long for meto become acquainted with her family, including her father Alan, mother Gina, and younger brother Levi. It also didn’t take me long to learn that the entire Brown family has a deep connection to the Philippines. Gina was raised on the island of Cebu, one of the most developed provinces in the Philippines and home to Cebu City, the oldest city in the Philippines. Gina immigrated to the United States upon her marriage to Alan. However, as I have learned in living in various new places over the years, home never really leaves your heart, and Gina has been blessed with the chance to visit her mother country several times over the years. However, during 2012, God had something far more than a visit in mind.
It can often be hard to imagine, but simple skills like knowing how to read are not always common place in developing nations. During 2012, Gina was touched by the earnest desire of many of the children to learn how to read, but she was concerned about the lack of resources to do so. So, beginning in February 2012 with six eager students in Isabel, Leyte, Philippines, the foundation for what would become Lantaw-Ugma Outreach was set.
The name literally means “Looking into a Bright Future” in Gina’s native dialect. As she explained in a later newsletter, “LUO’s desire is to continue to encourage the kids not to lose hope. We’re helping them acquire education by supporting their school needs. Our prayer is that no matter what their economic situation and circumstance at home, these kids would be able to get an education.”
And, of course, the mission is also much deeper than that, for as devoted servants of Christ, the Browns hope to see each and every child who passes through LUO develop a personal relationship with their Savior Jesus Christ.
It has now been more than two years since Lantaw-Ugma officially started in January 2013. Since that time, the program has grown to the ability to provide meals, school supplies, and tutorial assistance to nearly 60 children. In addition to basic educational skills, the children are taught God’s Word through daily Bible lessons, songs, prayer, and games. As was shared on the LUO Facebook page, “We are convinced that at this formative time of their childhood years, the hope of Christ is their best tool for success in life!”
I couldn’t agree more and I continually thank the Lord that he brought the Browns into my life. I know He will continue to do great things through them, and through this ministry.
As with any ministry, both prayer and financial support are greatly appreciated. If you would like to support Lantaw-Ugma Outreach financially, please send your payment via check to:
Lantaw-Ugma Outreach
PO Box 110267
Anchorage, AK 99511
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The Believer’s Byline is a publication of Thrive Christian Press.
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