Yesterday I started watching a documentary series on Netflix called – The Universe. While the series definitely reflects a secular view of the Universe, I can’t help but marvel at the intricate detail and purpose God put into everything beyond our planet. One thing they shared was that the planet Jupiter and the other gas giants often serve as impact zones for rogue comets and asteroids that might otherwise make it to the interior solar system and impact Earth. As I watched that it was almost like God was winking at me and saying, “I have taken care of all things…even asteroids.” The producers of the show, of course, attributed Jupiter’s shielding of Earth as a happy accident of evolution, but I know better. When you look at the vast universe with a biblical worldview, it becomes that much more amazing, because our God is as amazing as it gets!
Photo Credit
The title image of Jupiter was first captured by the NASA space probe Cassini. NASA copyright policy states that “NASA material is not protected by copyright unless noted.” Thrive Christian Press makes no claim on this image, and it remains in the Public Domain. This image was recorded and stored by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory of the United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) under Photo ID: PIA04866.
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