Though these times are hard, I am finding myself noticing the blessings of the Lord during this time all the more. For me these include:
1. More time for my Bible.
2. Extra sleep and no more rushing out the door in the morning.
3. Discovering new ways to stay connected with friends, family, and students via technology.
4. Getting a stimulus check while still having a job.
5. Being reminded that God provides and there is no need to hoard in fear. Since all this began I have used one role of paper towel and just over one of TP. I have also eaten very well.
6. Great weather.
7. Long rides on a brand new bike!
8. New professional skills (definitely adding Distance Learning teacher to the old resume’).
9. My electric company and my car insurance company are providing discounts on my next bill to help ease the financial stress most are feeling during this time.
10. Not feeling financial stress at this time, which I know is not true for millions.
I am eager for this time to be over, but I am grateful for all the blessings God is providing. May He watch over all those who have or are currently suffering because of this crisis.
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The Believer’s Byline is a publication of Thrive Christian Press.
Copyright © 2020 David Scott Fields II. All Rights Reserved.