All that is going on with ISIS and the Christians being killed can make one wonder why God is allowing all this to happen, but remember God is faithful and He sees a much bigger picture than we do. He WILL restore the life of every true believer that has been killed, and He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and their sorrow they will remember no more. He has also appointed a day to judge the evils of this world. His enemies think they are getting away with something, but they are storing up wrath against themselves that God will pour out in the day of His glorious return, and what a day that will be! Only those who know the love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ will be able to call it a good day. For everyone else it will be the worst day they can possibly imagine – and more – for unrepentant sinners always lose.
Photo Credit
The title photo “Le mauvais riche dans l’Enfer” is a work created by James Tissot (1836-1902). The work is in the public domain and was accessed via Wiki Commons. Thrive Christian Press makes no claim on this image.
The abridged text of Luke 16:22-24 is from the King James Version. Used by Permission. All rights reserved.
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