As Christians, not minding our own business is what we do. We can’t! We were commanded to go into all the world and share the news that Christ died for our sins and that any who accepted that message and turn from their sins will be granted eternal life in His name. The enemies of this message are not capable of stopping it or us, and ultimately every last one of us will have to stand before God and give an account of ourselves. Those who have accepted Christ will hear, “Well done my good and faithful servant. Enter into the joy prepared for you.” Those who reject Him are guilty of the greatest sin of all and will hear, “Depart from me, for I never knew you.” Believe it or don’t. That’s your choice. But this is not your choice – you must and will die someday. Only Christ can take the sting out of death and ultimately remove it from the equation entirely. The question for you is, is your life something you feel should be chucked away after 10 decades at best, or would you prefer to keep it for eternity? And not just the broken life you have now, but the kind Christ offers -complete, joyful, and filled with the truest and realist love there is – Christ Himself. Some recent deaths in the news have reminded me that we have no idea how much time we have here. So you get to choose yes or no when it comes to the Gospel, but no one gets a choice when it come to death.
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The Believer’s Byline is a publication of Thrive Christian Press.
Copyright © 2015 David Scott Fields II. All Rights Reserved.