I have been blessed to be under faithful pastors and Bible teaching my entire life. However, this week I discovered – more accurately finally took the time to listen to – the sermons of Charles Spurgeon. All I can say is, “Wow!” It is not for nothing that he is called the Prince of Preachers.
He died more than 130 years ago, but the power of his sermons transcend his life with biblical clarity and gospel purity. I have only listened to three sermons so far, but they have been so rich! I took so many notes! Also I was floored to learn that he preached his first sermon when he was only 16! The sermons I have listened to so far were from his early 20s, and they were amazing!
This was clearly a man who loved the word of God and desperately wanted to get it into the hearts and minds of his congregants. He only lived to be 57, but from the time of his conversion onward it seemed he was desperate to use every moment he had for the glory of Christ.
If you have never listened to a sermon by Charles Spurgeon, I highly recommend it! Audible has several options you can check out. You can also visit “The Spurgeon Library” at https://www.spurgeon.org/ for so much more about him.
Picture Credit
Alexander Melville, Public Domain, via Wikimedia Commons.
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