In my current professional development series, I came across this quote
“Sometimes a teacher puts so much energy into creating an engaging classroom that he or she loses clarity about the essential learning goal(s). Teachers can become so committed to designing stimulating and interesting assignments that they get too far away from the learning goal of the activity.”
As true as this is for the classroom, I couldn’t help but think of its implications for sharing the Gospel. How easy it is to get wrapped up in some flashy outreach program and miss the entire point of the Gospel – to show the desperate and sinful state of all men, and their need for salvation through the atoning death of God’s Son Jesus Christ. If we forsake the goal of the Gospel for the sake of a program, the program has got to go.
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The title image is by Image by Михаил Мингазов from Pixabay. This is a royalty free image. The author of this article makes no claim on this image.
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