Remember Eustace Scrubb from The Chronicles of Narnia? In The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, he was a little pain until he got sent to Narnia and turned into a dragon. After that, he was amazing and heroic – not only in that book, but in two additional books The Silver Chair and The Last Battle. His story is an excellent example of how someone truly incorrigible can be totally changed through the right experience and help.
As a school teacher, I have met many incorrigible young people, and some days I wish I could give them each a Narnia experiences in the hopes of the amazing people they’d come out as on the other side. I may not have Narnia, but I do have Christ’s word to share with them. Nothing is better at changing the human heart. The whole Narnia thing just seems like it would take less time, but the Lord knows best. So please, dear Lord Jesus, give me patience!
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The title photo was created by RachH from Pixabay. Thrive Christian Press makes no claim on this photo.
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