During my unforgettable trip to Peru, I had the privilege of getting to celebrate my 41st birthday, and it was a blast! After an adventure packed week, we took a day to rest and relax. However, that did not stop the day from being filled with delicious food and great fellowship.
For lunch we had Adobo – think pork chops in a Peruvian marinade. It was excellente! I couldn’t help going in for a second serving, which I have been told is a huge compliment to Peruvian cooks. Then I got a surprise birthday cake prepared by the Sheets’ daughter Evelyn all by herself. Ironically, I somehow never even noticed it was being prepared, so it was the perfect birthday treat.
I was also introduced to the Nintendo Switch that day. Alas, I pretty much left my video game days behind me decades ago, so I was not very good. But I did learn you can play all sorts of classic games on the Switch, so it was a fun trip down Memory Lane.
Later that night for dinner we had Anticuchos – (which is cow heart on a stick) – another gourmet treat. (I was more than a little spoiled in the food department on my trip). In all, my birthday was amazing and a cherished time with my dear brothers and sisters in Christ. Hopefully visits to Peru are something I can make a regular birthday tradition!
Scripture quotations are from The ESV ® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version ®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
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