A brief thought today. I have seen documentaries about expeditions to try and find Noah’s Ark. While these can be intriguing, I often find them to be foolish. I certainly believe that Noah’s Flood was a real event. There is significant evidence that a global flood occurred. However, let’s get real, if you had just survived the greatest natural disaster in all history, you would have likely used any resource available to you to survive. Thus, I believe the Ark was likely recycled by Noah and the immediate generations following him as supplies to help them rebuild the world. If every last plank was scattered to the wind, it would not disrupt my faith. It is enough that God’s word asserts there was an Ark and a flood – even if the Ark is never found. And even if it was found it would likely become an idol and a stumbling block to believers, so it is probably best that it has been lost to time. However, what has not been lost to time is God’s word – the Bible. As Isaiah 40:8 says, “The word of our God shall stand forever.”
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